Are you constantly wishing your home was cleaner and more organized? Do you struggle to keep things tidy once you do get your house organized? I feel like this all the time! I would get so discouraged by my lack of organizational skills and my house would stay in a state of disarray. When I saw The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up as a choice for a book I could review, I was so excited. I just moved and knew it would be the perfect time to get my new house in order. Let me just say, I loved this book! The KonMari method really does work and it's so simple! The book itself is a very quick read and you learn so much! I had a few favorite take aways: -ask yourself "Does this spark joy?" for every item you pick up. It was a really freeing question for me and enabled me to give away or throw away bags of clothes, papers, toys, and other household items. - Tackle your house all at once. Don't take things slowly, but rather pull out all of your clothes at one time, pape...