I just love John Rosemond's parenting books! I have read almost all of them and couldn't wait to read this one when I saw that had come out. I have potty trained both of my boys by the time they were 2 with "Toilet Training Without Tantrums" and have been a huge fan every since. Grandma Was Right After All! is a great, quick read. It goes through common phrases that our grandmothers might have said. They align perfectly with Rosamond's no-nonsense style of parenting. I appreciate that each section was broken down into easy-to-read paragraphs. It takes what can sometimes be overwhelming material and makes it easy to follow and comprehend. I'm a big fan of Rosemond and recommend his books to all of my friends. Grandma Was Right After All! is no exception and I highly recommend it. I don't agree with all of his assessments of our country, but I take the big picture and appreciate his "old school" insight into parenting. I received this bo...