When I saw that Jackie Hill Perry was writing a book about God’s holiness, I had to read it. Her voice is so needed in the Christian writer realm. She takes the reader through the importance of understanding God’s holiness and then living out that understanding. I read the book and listened to the audiobook and highly recommend the audiobook! She read it herself and the combination of her poetic voice and powerful words made it an awesome listen.
Holier Than Thou made me worship God as I was reading it because of how God’s goodness through His holiness was on display. I was highlighting left and right due to all of the truth that was being preached and I’m thankful I was able to read it. My view of God is bigger, richer, and more in line with who He is as result of reading this book.
I highly recommend it to anyone walking through a hard season in life. Being reminded of the truth of who God is, is so powerful to a hurting heart and mind.
I received Holier Than Thou by Jackie Hill Perry from the publisher. My opinions are my own. #HolierThanThoubook #NetGalley
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