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Showing posts from 2021

Bible Promises and Prayers for Children

Bible Promises and Prayers for Children is a powerful and useful book for families. I loved each section and felt like the size of each devotional made it so it was not overwhelming for my family to do together. It’s a privilege and blessing to pray over and with my children and I’m grateful for this book to be able to have a quick and easy way to impart truth, love, and encouragement into my kids.  Thank you to Net Galley for this copy, my opinions are my own.  

How (Not) to Save the World by Hosanna Wong

I really loved this book! Hosanna Wong’s story is captivating and at the same time, approachable. I love being able to read the how and why of her way of sharing and loving Jesus. It was encouraging to me and a great reminder that our presence with Jesus is the biggest voice when people are looking at our lives.  Thank you to NetGalley for this copy, my opinions are my own. 

Marriage Triggers by Amber Lia

I absolutely love every book by Amber Alia and Marriage Triggers is no different. I love her authentic, real-life style of writing and how she makes the reader feel safe to have gone through the same issues (be it parenting, food, or marriage). I really enjoyed reading this book because of the different stories and input from a woman’s view and a man’s view. It is encouraging, challenging, and informative.  I received this book from NetGalley. My opinions are my own. 

Take Back Your Family by Jefferson Bethke

Wow! I was really blown away by this book. Honestly, I was thinking exactly what Jefferson addressed in the beginning of the book…how can someone with such a young family write a book about family? BUT, I loved his response and the humility and boldness to write what he felt like God has made a passion of his. I loved the themes of team and putting the correct emphasis on how to do family. I highly recommend this book for parents, grandparents, pastors, children and youth ministers, and even teachers. It’s a great, engaging read on vitally important topic in today’s Church and world.  I received this book from NetGalley. My opinions are my own. 

Fighting Words Devotional by Ellie Holcomb

Fighting Words by Ellie Holcomb is a great devotional. I loved the cover and I loved each reminder of how to fight the lies of the enemy in the 100 days.  Each day is a quick read with a Bible verse, story to think about and how to apply the verse to that season, and ends with questions. I loved this devo! I highly recommend it and think it would be neat to go through it with a group of friends. The format lends itself to easy discussion and encouragement.  I just reviewed Fighting Words Devotional by Ellie Holcomb. #FightingWordsDevotional #NetGalley

Holier Than Thou by Jackie Hill Perry

When I saw that Jackie Hill Perry was writing a book about God’s holiness, I had to read it. Her voice is so needed in the Christian writer realm. She takes the reader through the importance of understanding God’s holiness and then living out that understanding. I read the book and listened to the audiobook and highly recommend the audiobook! She read it herself and the combination of her poetic voice and powerful words made it an awesome listen.  Holier Than Thou made me worship God as I was reading it because of how God’s goodness through His holiness was on display. I was highlighting left and right due to all of the truth that was being preached and I’m thankful I was able to read it. My view of God is bigger, richer, and more in line with who He is as result of reading this book.  I highly recommend it to anyone walking through a hard season in life. Being reminded of the truth of who God is, is so powerful to a hurting heart and mind.  I received  Holier Than T...

Hearing in Technicolor

Hearing in Technicolor is a great book! As the wife of a multi ethnic church planter, this book was right up my alley. I really enjoyed reading the story of First  Baptist Duluth and the way God is moving there. It’s a beautiful picture of what heaven will be! I believe when we as white Americans start viewing our brothers and sisters as integral to God’s mission and not people to be controlled, we will see true and lasting change in our churches becoming multicultural not just in word but in deed as well. To look at someone and not think, “How can I (subtly or not so subtly) make you more like me,” but instead say, “Without you and your gifts and background and skin tone, we will be missing a part of God’s heart here in our church!” I really enjoyed all of the stories from this book and highly recommend it to pastors, elders, and anyone desiring to see God’s people come together as one in Christ in our Church.  I just reviewed Hearing in Technicolor by Mark Hearn; Darcy Wiley...

On the Spectrum by Daniel Bowman, Jr.

Wow! Daniel Bowman, Jr.’s memoir/collection of essays is a must read for the Church. As more adults are diagnosed with autism, it can be hard to understand how to love, support, and understand their neurodiversities. Many memoirs and books about autism are written by parents, educators, psychologists, and about children. It’s rare to find books written about autism by autistic adults. On the Spectrum is a look into the world of a Christian with neurodiversities. I really enjoyed reading this book and I learned so much. As a body of Believers, we must come together to support and encourage the gifts, talents, and diversity of the members of our church. On the Spectrum challenges long held stereotypes and misinformation and allows the voice of someone with neurodiversities to tell their own story. It’s a powerful reminder and teaching moment to see the beauty of how God created each one of us and to allow us to use our own voice to share our stories. I highly recommend this book to pasto...

The Book of Acts as Story

My husband is preaching through the book of Acts and when I saw “The Book of Acts as Story” I knew I had to read it! David R. Bauer does an excellent and thorough job of breaking down Acts in a new (to me) way of thinking and going deeper in our understanding of one of the most practical books of the Bible. I loved learning and reading and I highly recommend this book! I just reviewed The Book of Acts as Story by David R. Bauer. #TheBookofActsasStory #NetGalley 

Redeeming Power

Diane Langberg is an incredible counselor, author, and advocate. Her writing is so life giving and affirming for counselors, pastors, and victims of abuse. I’ve read her other books and couldn’t wait for this one to release. Redeeming Power is a much needed voice in a space that has been conspicuously silent. As believers, we should call out abuse and advocate justice. I highly recommend this book for all pastors, counselors, and people in power in religious spheres. The more you know, the more you can advocate and bring abuse to the light and bring justice and redemption to victims. And not only that, but put people and policies in place that will stop abuse. 

The Quran with Christian Commentary

The Quran with Christian Commentary is a wonderful resource for Christians wanting to learn more about what Muslims believe. Dr. Nickel writes a very comprehensive commentary and I highly recommend this book. It is full of insight and wisdom and is a great tool for learning what our Muslim friends believe.  I received this book for free from NetGalley. My opinions are my own. 

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is a must read!  I loved this book and it’s simplicity but much needed message. It’s written in a way that draws you in, informs, and encourages you. If you have read other books on time management, phone usage, and the pace of life, you might have felt condemned and overwhelmed after you finished. I loved that John Mark Comer’s book leaves you feeling renewed in your love for Jesus and looking at the big picture of your life. I highly recommend this book! I received this book for free from NetGalley. My opinions are my own. 

Dear White Peacemakers

If I recommend one book this year, “Dear White Peacemakers” will be it! Osheta Moore writes with precision wrapped in kindness and grace. She continually brings the reader back to the heart of God and reminds of us as identity in Him and our role as peacemakers. Osheta’s encouragement and humble calling out to pursue anti racism work as Beloved Peacemakers is incredibly gracious and a true gift. This book is for all White people who love Jesus. It’s even better for people who claim to “not see color” or “I’m not racist.” I encourage all White people to come under the teaching and heart of a Black leader like Osheta Moore. Her book will challenge, encourage, and push you to become more like Jesus in how you love, think, and act.  You can tell with each chapter how much Osheta cares and desires for true peace between not just believers, but all people. I loved the breath prayers at the end of each chapter. “Inhale: Liberator. Exhale: Set the captives free.” I recommend this book for ...

Olive the Lionhearted by Brad Ricca

Olive the Lionheart by Brad Ricca is the true story of Olive Macleod and her adventure through Africa as she searches for answers to her fiancé’s disappearance. Join Olive as she journeys through modern day Nigeria and Lake Chad as she encounters people, animals, and lands rarely seen by women in the early 1900s.  I was very intrigued by Olive’s story and couldn’t wait to read a true account of such a strong woman in a time period accustomed to women who didn’t travel or take risks. I love historical non-fiction and wanted to love Olive the Lionheart. While the  subject matter was very interesting, I just feel like the final product didn’t quite measure up to the potential of the story. The book was longer than I was hoping and got slow in parts. But, the author tackled a little known story and made Olive shine. Overall, I would recommend this book because it sheds light on a women’s story in a time when women were rarely singled out and highlighted.  Thank you to NetGall...